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The author: V», 8 «B» classes.

Municipal State Educational Institution - Secondary School №31 The project’s leader: Galina Aleksandrovna Koznova, the teacher of English.

Sredneural'sk 2024

The content:

I. Introduction .

II. A theoretical part:

2.1 What is beauty?

2.2. Beauty saves the world”.

III. A practical part:

3.1 The results of the students’ interview.

3.2. Conclusions. The analysis of the collected material.

IV. The conclusion.

V. Bibliography.

VI. The supplement.



Что есть на свете красота? Быть может в космосе Земля А может первый солнца луч, Вдруг промелькнувший из-за туч? А может мать с ребенком на руках? Иль луг в приветливых цветах?

А может первый поцелуй? А может бабочки полёт. Иль рук создание - самолет, Что мчится птицей в облаках? В мелодии, в картине, в храме Лица классический овал? Прекрасной девы идеал? А может это доброта? «Что есть на свете красота

The object of the research: beauty.

The subject of the research: the analysis of the words « beauty is the thing that enjoy our eyes and soul».

The aim of the research: what beauty is and why people iconize it.

Что есть на свете красота?
И почему ее обожествляют люди?
Сосуд она, в котором пустота,
Или огонь, мерцающий в сосуде? (Н.Заболоцкий.)

The tasks of the research: to pick out the material on the chosen topic; to analyze the meaning of the word ‘beauty’; to interview pupils of 5-10 classes about the importance of understanding of the word ‘beauty’; to pay attention to the need to understand the message which this word carries; to summarize the research and describe the results in a final part.

The research methods:

-a searching method during the organization of a collecting the material;

- a descriptive method with the methods of observation of a linguistic phenomenоn;

- the method of a statistical analysis of the results.

- the method of systematization and classification;

- a synthesis and analytical method.

The plan of the work:

1. The organizational and preparatory phase:

- the reason of the choice of the research topic;

- the determination of the aim, the tasks and the methods of the research;

- the study of the theory of the questions;

- the finding of information on the Internet on this topic;

- the work with printed sources of information (articles, English dictionaries, etc.).

2. The research stage:

-the preparation of a questionnaire for our friends;

-the involvement of our friends to the project;

-the analysis of the materials.

3. The final stage:

- the analysis and the generalization of the results of the research;

-the design of the research;

-the creation of a computer presentation and the preparing for the defense of the project;

- the analysis of the done work;

- to familiarize the student with the results of the research.

The expected result: The students will pay attention to beauty of the world and understand that it enjoys our eyes and heart. It develops and enriches our feelings, makes us more kind and responsive.

Practical value:

This work will be useful and interesting because it shows you that it is difficult to imagine our world without beauty of every moment. People cannot live without it. Living, people must not only work, but try to see beauty of life.

II. A theoretical part:

Song Even when the thunder and storm begins
I’ll be standing strong like a tree in the wind
Nothing’s gonna move this mountain
Or change my direction
I’m falling off that sky and I’m all alone
The courage that’s inside gonna break my fall
Nothing’s gonna dim my light within

But if I keep going on
It will never be impossible,
not today

Cause I’ve got something to believe in
As long as I’m breathing
There is not a limit to what I can dream
Cause I’ve got something to believe in
Mission to keep climbing
Nothing else can stop me if I just believe
And I believe in me

Even when the world tries to pull me down
Tell me that I can try to turn me around
I wont let them put my fire out, without no!

But if I keep going on
It will never be impossible,
not today. (Шер)

Reading this poem аnd listening this song we’d like to share our thoughts about beauty with you. Have you ever asked yourself what beauty is? We used to think beauty is everything wonderful, everything that brings moral and aesthetic pleasure. So  many people have always been admired by beauty of a man, a girl and nature. So many lines have been written about beauty. So, what is beauty after all? And can a man feel beauty? This is a fragile, uncertain question, but it is clear to everybody that it is the state of mind. Or maybe it`s not the state of mind, but the state of the world. Much has been written about beauty in great works. They say a lot about it in lofty words. It is talked about, argued desperately, dreamed softly. It is admired.  

            Beauty is a divine gift, it is a magic miracle and an eternal mystery. A beautiful woman is described in a large number of poems and songs, the beauty of a person, in general, is described in almost all the works of Russian literature. And we do not think anyone can answer the question what beauty is better than Russian poets. After all, who but the true artists of the word can create a perfect image in a few lines.

            In our opinion, beauty is harmony. We mean harmony in everything: in the appearance, in a man`s heart, in nature, in a word.  We think beauty is something universal. Beauty is everywhere, it permeates every corner of the globe.

  Beauty has great power, because it forces us and make us sing, strive for something better, makes us live.

          One of the Chekhov’s characters said that everything must be beautiful in a person – face, dress, spirit and mind. We don’t mean good looks only when we speak about someone’s beauty. We want to see «beautiful spirit and mind» in a person. And his character and actions are very important.

          But what shall we do if the face isn’t so beautiful? Should we take this fact too seriously? Of course not! Besides, as an American proverb goes, «Beauty is a very fine thing, but you cannot live on it».

          At the same time, a modest, kind and honest person is respected and liked by everybody. «If you do well, good will be done to you», says an English proverb.

         Moral beauty ... How can we see it? We like people with inner beauty, who are very polite, kind and noble.  They are easy-going and positive.  

         Do you think there is beauty in a person, who is pretty, but doesn’t respect old people? And those, who wears fashionable clothes, are not beautiful at all if their behavior in the street and in other public places isn’t good. There is an old English proverb about such people: «It’s not the gay coat that makes the gentleman» or «Don't judge a book by its cover»

         As you know, people in ancient Greece, thought much about the beauty of man’s body. They organized different games and competitions. There are many historical monuments, which symbolize the beauty of man. But, real beauty means more than a perfect body and clothes. A person, may have good appearance, but what about his or her «beautiful spirit and mind»?

         We know many examples of the heroism of our people in the Great Patriotic War and in peace time. All those people have shown the beauty of their character by their actions.

         Some young people may not be able to see beauty when it is near them. So, take a good look at your neighbor. Try to find out his or her interests and what he or she thinks about. Then you see a rich and beautiful world and you will see something fascinating in your monotonous life and after all "beauty will save the world"!

We can express beauty in poems.

А что такое красота? 
И можно ль взять ее руками? 
А может это пустота, 
Что лишь заполнена словами? 

А может это лишь мираж, 
В пустыне, что зовется жизнью? 
А может это голос Ваш?.. 
Или Ваш взгляд, как небо синий?.. 

А, может, красота - то меч, 
Что жизнь людскую рассекает? 
А, может, красота - то смерч, 
Что из болота вырывает 
Привычных будней нас? 

Так что ж такое - красота? 
И можно ль взять ее руками? 

Very often people make mistakes. And if a man tries correct them and will not do them again he will be a real beautiful person. Teach to do it.

Kindness and beauty is the same. Only a clever, kind and noble person is beautiful.

We try to understand words “Beauty saves the world”. And we can say that it is a very difficult question. Because we see and understand beauty absolutely individually. But how to live and where can we take forces? Can we imagine the world without beauty of every minute of our life? The main thing is Try to save the beauty of the world. This world was given to us by the GOD” Live and be happy to see and feel beauty.

 III. A practical part:

The pupils of our school answered our question “ What is beauty?” They wrote short- stories answering this question .We’ve read all these stories.

The pupils of the 5-th form: delightful nature, a pretty person, inner beauty, appearance, behavior, household duties, art, INVISIBLE FORCE

The pupils of the 6-th form: delightful nature, a pretty person, inner beauty, appearance, art, past time, health, I, our feelings, life, SOMETHING THAT WE CANNOT EXPRESS

The pupils of the 7-th form: delightful nature, a pretty person, inner beauty, appearance, art, our world, cities, feelings, esthetic category, CLOSE PEOPLE

The pupils of the 8-th form: delightful nature, a pretty person, inner beauty, appearance, behavior, art, our world, THE MELODY OF OUR SOUL

The pupils of the 9-th form: delightful nature, a pretty person, inner beauty, appearance, art, features of our character, our life, harmony and joy of our life, the world, LOVE

The pupils of the 10-th form: delightful nature, a pretty person, inner beauty, appearance, art, life, ESTHETIC PERFECTION AND SOMETHING VERY KIND

We ranged the answers: the 1-st position- a person

the 2-nd position- feelings

the 3-d position- nature and world

the 4-th position- life

the 5-th position- soul and SOMETHING THAT WE CANNOT EXPRESS

We can say that thoughts are the same. But in every form there is an interesting view on beauty.

The pupils of the 5-th form: INVISIBLE FORCE

The pupils of the 6-th form: SOMETHING THAT WE CANNOT EXPRESS

The pupils of the 7-th form: CLOSE PEOPLE

The pupils of the 8-th form: THE MELODY OF OUR SOUL

The pupils of the 9-th form: LOVE


We express beauty in dances. (музыка Forever”)

Женщина – это Нежность, 
Милых глаз бездонных Мятежность, 
Это ласковый тёплый Ветер. 
Её рук нет нежнее на свете! 

Женщина – это Верность, 
Неприступных вершин – Снежность, 
Изумительно-хрупкая Роза, - 
Что не вянет, даже в морозы! 

Трепетный Огонёк Счастья, 
Радужный Блик Участья, 
В небе мерцающем – Звёзды, 
Но познать их очень непросто! 

Окружают женщину дети,- 
Как же Лик Материнский Светел! 
Знаю: Женщина – это ЧУДО! 
Слово Женщиначтится всюду!- (JULES ERBIT)

The beauty begins at the minute of our birth. The birth is beauty. Beauty is a woman.

Говорят, царевна есть,

Что не можно глаз отвесть.

Днем свет Божий затмевает,

Ночью землю освещает –

Месяц под косой блестит,

А во лбу звезда горит. (Пушкин А.С.)

We can say about “RUSSIAN BEAUTY”.

Есть женщины в русских селеньях

С спокойною важностью лиц,

С красивою силой в движеньях

С походкой, со взглядом цариц.(Некрасов Н.А.)

Here we can say about THE FORCE OF SPIRIT.

Saying about women we underline : the rich of inner world, kindness of heart, industry.

Beauty is our mother. About her we can say many , many words. But we know only one thing: we cannot find them. Because beauty of the world in one word- MOTHER.

Мне мама всё дала на свете, Тепло, и ласку, и любовь. Всегда давала мне советы, Когда не знал я нужных слов. Она глаза на мир открыла, И показала в жизни путь. Когда я плачу, утешает, Когда мне тяжело, Всегда нежно обнимает, И я чувствую её тепло. Я счастлив, что ты есть, родная, Ты лучше всех, ценней всего. Моё ты счастье, дорогая, Не нужно больше ничего. Когда есть мама, жизнь прекрасна, Она ведь ангел на земле. Она как лучик солнца ясный, Она как звёзды в небе все. Друзья, вы матерей цените. Любите их, и дорожите, Не забывайте никогда! ( Веремчук Д.)


Я целую твои руки, моя родная
Ты нежнее всех на свете, я точно знаю
В мире нет тебя дороже, в моём ты сердце
Обними меня покрепче, хочу согреться!

Припев: Мама, будь всегда со мною рядом!
Мама, мне ведь большего не надо!
Мама, только не грусти!
И меня за всё , мамочка, прости!
Ты слышишь , мама, будь всегда со мною рядом!
Мама, мне ведь большего не надо!
Мама, только не грусти!
И меня за всё , мамочка, прости!
Только ты всегда поддержишь и успокоишь
И от зависти и злости меня укроешь.
Я люблю тебя, - ты ангел, тобой живу я.
С благодарностью я руки твои целую. (Анастасия)

IV. The conclusion.

Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.

Confucius (Ancient Chinese philosopher)
Украдкой время с тонким мастерством

Волшебный праздник создает для глаз.

И то же время в беге круговом

Уносит все, что радовало нас.

Часов и дней безудержный поток

Уводит лето в сумрак зимних дней,

Где нет листвы, застыл в деревьях сок,

Земля мертва и белый плащ на ней.

И только аромат цветущих роз -

Летучий пленник, запертый в стекле, -

Напоминает в стужу и мороз

О том, что лето было на земле.

Свой прежний блеск утратили цветы,

Но сохранили душу красоты. (Шекспир сонет №5)

Those hours, that with gentle work did frame

The lovely gaze where every eye doth dwell,

Will play the tyrants to the very same

And that unfair which fairly doth excel;

For never-resting time leads summer on

To hideous winter, and confounds him there;

Sap checked with frost, and lusty leaves quite gone,

Beauty o'er-snowed and bareness every where:

Then were not summer's distillation left,

A liquid prisoner pent in walls of glass,

Beauty's effect with beauty were bereft,

Nor it, nor no remembrance what it was:

The beauty is that light which warm .

Every person is pretty. One is pretty because of his appearance, the other –his mental beauty. Be pretty is to change your behavior and relation to people. Be yourself.

Красота живет везде:
В капельке дождя, в звезде,
В ярких солнечных лучах,
В звонких, озорных ручьях,
В красках радуги, в березе,
В ароматной пышной розе,
Ночью темной на луне,
А зимою на окне.
Красота живет в улыбке,
В хрупких, нежных звуках
В добрых маминых глазах,
В сильных папиных руках.
Красота то здесь, то там
Открывает двери нам.
Мир ее как волшебство,

Let’s multiply and save the richness and beauty of our souls and World undoubtedly will change for the better!

V. Bibliography.


E. P.: are you Beautiful, man


- Moscow: Young guard, 1987


E. L.: I

n Alliance with beauty. - M.: Education, 1987

3. Stolovich L. N. Beauty. Good. Truth. M., 2014

Electronic sources:

1. www.shkolazhizni.ru

2.http:// www.culture.ru

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3. http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki