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Сколько насчитывается залогов у английского глагола?
Какой вариант верен для вопросительного предложения Present Perfect Passive voice?
Is this rule learned by you?
Was this flower grown by your mother?
Has this room ever been cleaned?
When was this building built?
Вставьте пропущенное в предложение "The walls in my room ...already ... in red"?
will be painted
are painted
were painted
have been painted
Вставьте пропущенное в предложение "The bridge ... yet"?
was not repaired
Has not been repaired
had not been repaired
is not repaired
Какой вариант верен для отрицательного предложения Present Perfect Passive voice?
His homework is not prepared for tomorrow
My mistake in the dictation was not found
The table is not sold in the shop
The key is still on the table, it has not been taken yet
Какова формула образования Passive voice?
was/were + глагол + -ing
to be + глагол +-ing
to have + 3-я форма глагола
to be + 3-я форма глагола
Какой вариант соответствует русскому предложению |Книга написана известным писателем"?
The book is writing by a famous writer
The book has written by a famous writer
The book had written by a famous writer
The book is written by a famous writer
Вставьте пропущенное в предложение "How many new hospitals ... this year"?
are built
have been built
were built
had been built
Где стоит отрицательная частица not в конструкции Present Perfect Passive voice?
Между двумя вспомогательными глаголами
Перед подлежащим
Перед вспомогательными глаголами
После подлежащего
Какой вариант верен для утвердительного предложения Present Perfect Passive voice?
The house was built many years ago
Bread is baked by my mother
The cup was had been already broken when we entered the room
The street has been covered with snow this morning
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