Starlight 10, Module 1

Тема: Sports and Entertainment

Lesson 1

Цель: Communication objectives To give an overview of the module, to introduce key vocabulary




: Good afternoon boys and girls, how are you ? …

2. Фонетическая зарядка:

Thirty days has September,

April, June and November.

February has twenty-eight alone.

All the rest have thirty-one,

But leap year coming once in four

Gives February one day more.

3. Введение нового материала, новой лексики: раздаточный материал + работа со словарем.

- Guys, let's now move on to working with the dictionary so that there will be no further difficulties when working and translating the text on page six.

- Open the textbook and look at the text on page six, you need to write out the words in bold in the dictionary.

- As soon as you finish the job. look at the board, I will already write you a transcription and translation of these words.

opportunity - возможность

taking such a leap into the unknown - совершить такой прыжок в неизвестность

opted for - остановил свой выбор на

picturesque - живописный

engineering feat and the convenience - инженерному совершенству и удобству

occupants – обитатели, жители

novel - роман

nosed out высунул нос

accelerated - ускоренный

yearning for - тоска по

4. Отработка нового материала

4.1. Контроль навыков чтения: SB, p.6, ex.4.

- Now, let's do task number 4 on page 6 and do the tasks on page 7 in a frame. Let's start reading along the chain, reading and translating at once.

- Well done, everyone coped with the text, now let's move on to the tasks, we need to read each statement, and then find the part of the text to which this statement refers. Browse through the options and choose the one that suits you the most. In a completed statement, the information contained in the text can be paraphrased.

- Let's do this, I'm reading a sentence, and you're giving me an answer?

1. The writer first learned about the house-swapping scheme (4 by doing research.)

2. The writer uses the phrase 'go for it' (paragraph 2) to express the idea of (1. taking a risk.)

3. Why did the writer chose the package deal? (3 It was cheap for what it offered.)

4. The writer was most attracted by the fact that the Eurostar train (2 was unaffected by sea conditions.)

5. During his journey through the tunnel, the writer (2 looked at the other passengers.)

6. We learn from the writer that (3 the train's top speed is 300 kph.)

7. What was the result of the writer's experiences? (2 He saw the value of doing new things.)

- All well done, they coped with the task perfectly!

4.2. Контроль навыков аудирования: SB, p.6, ex.3

- Guys, read the last sentence in each paragraph. What is the article about? Listen, read it and check it out.

- Let's do this, I'm reading the last line, and you're giving me an explanation, don't you agree?

1 - The article is about a family’s visit to England and their journey under the water through the Channel Tunnel. (Answer: The article talks about how one family visited England and about their journey underwater through a tunnel under the English Channel.)

2 - The article is about a ‘house-swapping scheme,’ which leads to a family visiting England and then travelling to Paris through the Channel Tunnel. (Answer: The article talks about the "house-sharing system", as a result of which one family visits England and then travels to Paris through the tunnel under the English Channel.)

4.3. Контроль навыков говорения: SB, p.6, ex.1, 2

- Guys, let's have a little chat at the end, describe photo A to me, on page 6, according to the following criteria: where it was taken; time of year; how people feel.

- Answer: Picture A was taken on a platform at a train station. This is clear because you can see trains on either side of the platform. It was most probably taken during the winter, as people are wearing big coats and woollen hats and scarves. They must feel very cold and are hoping that their train arrives soon.

- Great answer, I like it!

- Let's look at the map now. Which countries do you see? How are the attractions in Figure B related to the map?

- Answer: The map in picture C shows part of the UK, France and Belgium. On the map we can see London, the capital city of the UK and Paris, the capital city of France. Picture B shows two famous landmarks - Big Ben, which is in London, and the Eiffel Tower, which is in Paris.

- Well done guys!

5. Домашнее задание: выучить новые слова.

- Let's write down your homework is to learn new words.

6. Подведение итогов: Выставление отметок, поощрение учеников и т.д.

- Well, our lesson is coming to an end, let's do a little task, I will now give you cards with words from the text, You need to insert the missing letter into each word. You have 3 minutes to complete the task and it is for evaluation!

- The time is over, we are handing over the leaflets. Now, tell me, did you like our lesson or not? Are you happy with yourself today?

- Have a nice day!