ГБОУ Республиканский центр дистанционного образования детей-инвалидов

              План-конспект урока английского языка. Учитель: Курбанова Н.Г.                                                                                   
Класс: 10кл, обучающийся: Гизатуллин Ролан
Дата: 07.11.2022 г
УМК (название учебника, автор, год издания): учебник для общеобразовательных  организаций ?Английский в фокусе. 10 класс?, Виржиния Эванс, Дженни Дули, Боб Оби, А.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева – М.: Просвещение, 2020
Уровень обучения: базовый
Тема урока: ?Типы школ и школьная жизнь?.
Место урока в системе уроков по теме: Модуль 3 ?Школа и будущая профессия?, 

Цель урока: совершенствование навыков  чтения, говорения, формирование лексико-грамматических навыков по теме урока.
формировать различные виды учебного чтения, умения анализировать и обобщать;
обогащать и активизировать лексический запас учащихся;
развивать умения и навыки устной речи учащихся.

Планируемые результаты: знать значения новых лексических единиц, связанных с тематикой данного этапа обучения и соответствующими ситуациями общения, уметь восстанавливать целостность текста, путем добавления пропущенных фрагментов, освоить навыки владения словообразовательными суффиксами.
Техническое обеспечение урока: компьютер,  презентация, аудиоприложение к учебнику ?Spotlight 10? 
Дополнительное методическое и дидактическое обеспечение урока : ресурсы РЭШ
Содержание урока:

Организационный момент.
- Good morning. I’m glad to see you. How are you today? Let’s start our English lesson.  
- What date is it today? 
- What day of the week is it today? 
- What is the weather like today?
- Do you like such weather?
- Do you like your school?
- Do you like going to school?
- Is it your favourite school day?

Сообщение целей и задач урока.
- Coming back to your answers, what are we going to speak about today?
- OK. Today we’ll talk about types of schools and school life.

Активизация лексических навыков.
- Today you’ll learn a lot of useful information about different schools in the world. It is the topic of our lesson. What do you associate with the word “school”? Take clusters and fill them in.

Речевая зарядка.

- Here are some proverbs about schools and school education. Read and try to find the Russian equivalents for them. 
Live and learn. (Век живи – век учись) 
Knowledge is a power. (Знание – сила)
It is never too late to learn.  (Никогда не поздно учиться)
Practice makes perfect.    (Трудом достигается успех (без труда не выловишь и рыбку из пруда)

Активизация лексического материала.
- Let’s review words and phrases. Some riddles are for you.

A pause  between 2 lessons.                                              - break
A place you have  lunch.                                                   - dining room
A place where students of the age 14-17 study.                - high school
What do students do (get) at the university?                     -  get education
A kind of  product or food at the school dining room.      - dish
The cost of the dish.                                                           - price
What shows the order of the lesson every day?                 - timetable 
A lesson you like most of all.                                             - favorite lesson
A student you study together in the class.                         - classmate
A lesson where you physically very active.                       - PE

 Введение нового лексического материала. Ex. 1a p. 46

- Let’s  try to find the definitions to different types of schools. Which are the most common / uncommon in your country? What type of school do you go to?

boarding school – a school which students live in during school term
single-sex school – a school for only boys and girls
co-educational school – a school for boys and girls
state school  - a school owned by the government
private school – a school you have to pay to go to
specialist school – a school students go to for a particular reason.

Read the statements in your student’s books at p. 46 and name only true for your school.

Students wear a school uniform.
There are lots of rules.
Facilities and equipment are good.
Students are motivated.
Students sit a lot of exams.
Students get a lot of homework.

What is school for you? Why do you go to school? Are there any advantages and disadvantages of school life?
(make friends, get a lot of information, learn new things, communicate with people, do sports, take part in school activities).

- Let’s have a rest a little. 

1. Close your eyes, put your thumbs on your ears and a finger on your eyes. 
2. Listen to the sounds of your minds, run your tongues against your palate and breathe in and out ten times, but very slowly. 
3. Imagine the color of the sky on a bright spring day, listen to the waves of the sea or the sounds of birds. 
4. Open your eyes very slowly. 
- You will be much quieter and ready to work, especially if  you are after lunch time. 

Работа с текстом. SB p. 46-47 ex. 2, 3.
- And now let’s listen & read the text about different schools around the world. While reading the text make the following notes:
“ !”– I like this idea.
“V”– I don’t like this idea.
“?” – I don’t understand it.
Explain your notes.
? ?
- Listen to the recording of the text and check up your answers from the exercise 3 a at p. 47, try to explain your choice. Now let’s label the paragraphs with the headings, one heading is extra.

To and From School - B
School Rules - D
Education or No Education - E
Schools of  Every Shape and Size - A
Studying Hours - C
Home Schooling – extra


- Let’s work with the rules about word formation. Read the theory box at p. 51 ex. 8 and complete the advert by filling in the appropriate suffix.

er – paint- painter
ist – art- artist
or – invent – inventor
ian –library- librarian
IV. Домашнее задание
- Your hometask is: Ex. 3a,b p. 47.   

V. Рефлексия.
- And now let’s us enumerate what we’ve learnt today.
We spoke about…
We learned….
We tried to…

VI. Подведение итогов занятия.
- Your mark is …
- The lesson is over. Thank you for your work.