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План – конспект урока английского языка в 6 классе

Авторчитель английского языка Свалухин Николай Анатольевич

УМК: «Английский в фокусе 6 (Spotlight 6)»; авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина,

Д. Дули, О. Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс; издательство: М.: Express Publishing «Просвещение» 2021

Тема урока: «Свободное время» (”Free Time”)

Цель урока: Развитие коммуникативной компетенции на основе изученных

лексических единиц, новых лексических единиц, а также речевых и грамматических структур по данной теме урока.

Тип урока: урок отработки умений и навыков, рефлексии.


формировать грамматические и

лексические навыки по изучаемой теме

развивать умения понимать речь на слух с полным пониманием содержания

обучать навыкам говорения

развивать англоязычную речь детей, умение наблюдать, рассуждать, делать выводы.

Планируемые результаты:




регулятивные УУД: научить выбирать действие в соответствии с поставленной задачей, адекватно воспринимать коррективы учителя;

познавательные УУД: познакомить с популярными способами проведения свободного времени в англо-язычных странах;

коммуникативные УУД: научить проявлять активность во взаимодействии для решения коммуникативных и познавательных задач, ставить вопросы, строить понятные высказывания, учить слушать собеседника.


 выучить новые лексические единицы по теме.


 воспитывать стремление к повышению культуры речевого общения, к овладению приемами творческого самовыражения с осознанием общественной полезности своего труда и своей жизни в целом; осуществление самоконтроля и взаимоконтроля.

Используемые технологии: игровая, технология групповой деятельности, технология личностно-ориентированного обучения, ИКТ.

Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор, экран, презентация (PowerPoint), учебник “Spotlight 6”, карточки с новой лексикой, картинки по теме, аудиозапись.

Ход урока.

1.​ Организационный момент.

T:Good morning, girls and boys! What day of the week is today? What is the date ? Students, do you have any idea what we are going to speak about at the lesson? I’d like you to look attentively at the screen. Guess, please what we are speaking about today. (Slide 1)

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

T: But first of all let’s warm up! Let’s pronounce the words you will need for this lesson (Slide 2).

Repeat after me:

[˄] – jumping, running

[i:] – meet, reading, keen

[ↄ] – watching, fond

[ↄ:] –sport, drawing

[I] –fishing, interested, windsurfing

T: Its great!

3. Речевая зарядка.

T: They say tastes differ. Different people have different hobbies. Open your textbooks on p. 56 and find ex. 1. Look at the pictures, listen to me and repeat after me. Translate the words, please! What is it? Very well!

T: Say, which of these activities you do or don’t do every day, every week, every weekend, on holiday.

T: …, tell your partner about your sister, please.

P: She likes painting every week. She doesn’t go swimming when she is on holiday.

T: This is the correct variant. Please, mind all the changes in the third person singular in the Present Simple Tense. Now it’s your turn.

P-s: are doing the exercise.

T: Students, you’ve just used such phrases, as “every day, week”, etc. What other adverbs for the Present Simple do you know?

P-s: always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom.

T: Thank you.

T: Let’s see what the most popular pastime activities are. Look at the screen (slide 3), match the words and make up your word combinations. Remember, there is one extra word here. Then write the answers in your exercise books. Are you ready? Then do the task, please!

1. go

2. listen

3. collect

4. watch

5. go

6. meet

7. read

8. take

9. play

a. gardening

b. to music

c. books

d. TV

e. friends

f. pictures

g. computer games

h. stamps

i. cycling

j. windsurfing

T: Please, exchange your works, check them and put a mark to your partner.

T: Now hand in your works. I’ll see them later.

T: Students, let’s work in groups now. Every group has got cards with different words written on them. Put the words in the correct order and make up full sentences. Let’s start!

Group 1: holiday/ We/collect/on/don’t/are/we/when/stamps.

Group 2: weekend /you/do/How/ play computer games/at/the/ often?

Group 3: He/listens/usually/to/in/the evening/music.

Group 4: Monday/she/On/eats out/seldom/her/friends/with.

T: Which group is ready first to answer? Let’s check up your sentences now!

4. Физкультминутка.

T: Students, are you tired? Let’s make a pause and do some physical exercises.

Stand up, please. Hold out your right hand and your left leg ahead and move them in a circle.

5. Презентация новых лексических единиц.

T: And now, students I ‘d like you to listen to an extract about what the British people do when they have their free time.

Listening Comprehension

English families are very fond of having picnics at the weekends. They like to sit in the open air, to have lunch and enjoy nature. Besides, a lot of British people are keen on reading books and especially morning newspapers. Others are interested in gardening and travelling. To say the truth, the British are never bored with doing sports and they always try to keep fit. They prefer to go cycling, or to go swimming when they are on holiday.

T: Students, find in text 4 word combinations, which mean “интересоваться,заниматься”, and put them down in your exercise books.

Students are working by themselves, and then they are reading the written word combinations aloud.

are fond of

are keen on

are interested in

are never bored with

6. Закрепление новых лексических единиц.

T: Now, answer my questions.

Are English families very fond of having picnics at the weekends?

Are British people keen on reading books and morning newspapers?

Are they also interested in playing computer games?

Are they never bored with doing sports?

7. Ролевая игра.

T: Well, I ‘d like you to ask your classmates about their favourite free-time activities. Who would like to start?

T:…, Come here, please. Your task is to ask your classmates what they like doing in their free time. Like this…

E.g.: What do you like / enjoy doing in your free time?

T: Thank you very much!

8. Рефлексия.

T: OK, students! Now it’s time to sum up. Did you like our lesson? Say, what you’ve learnt and how you’ve worked.


quickly and nicely

I’ve worked



I was a bit lazy at the lesson

about favourite pastime of the British

I’ve learnt

about the most popular hobbies in Great Britain

new words

9. Домашнее задание.

T: At home, you should write an e-mail to your pen friend about how the members of your family usually spend their free time. Don’t forget to use new words and phrases in your e-letters. Thank you for being active and creative during the lesson.

P1, your mark is …etc. Now the lesson is over. You are free. Good-bye, children.