7 класс

Заполните пропуск верным словом в скобках.

1. The film was ______. (boring / bored)

2. I think horse racing is very ________ . (thrilling / thrilled)

3. I'm not very ________ in football. (interested / interesting)

4. Geography is an _________ subject. (interested / interesting)

5. When I'm _________ (tired / tiring) of watching TV, I go for a walk.

Соедините две колонки. Каждую букву можно использовать только один раз.

1) Last year a) he goes for a walk in the park.

2) Next year b) he spent a weekend in the country.

3) This year c) he is enjoying a film on TV.

4) Yesterday d) he and his parents are spending holidays in Moscow.

5) Tomorrow e) he will call his friend.

6) Today f) he is very busy.

7) Every day g) he has had wonderful holidays at the seaside.

8) Now h) he went to the concert.

Заполни пропуски словами who, which, whose.

1. Pavel Nakhimov was a Russian admiral ______ won many battles.

2. Vasilii Surokov is a well-known Russian painter ______ pictures show the life in old Russia.

3. I like the musical "Cats" _______ is very popular in our country.

4. Dmitry Mendeleev was a great Russian scientist _______ Periodic Table was a revolution in chemistry.

5. Alexander Ostrovky was a popular dramatist _______ wrote many wonderful plays.

Вычеркните лишнее слово.

A) stamps, stickers, cards, book.

B) sometimes, usually, every day, enjoyable.

C) to build, to spend, to decorate, to design.

D) a doctor, an engineer, a cosmonaut, a leader.