I. Translate into Russian

Mark lives with his mum, dad and two sisters. Every morning mum cooks breakfast, washes the dishes and sweeps the floor. Mark helps mum with cooking, has breakfast and goes to school. Dad vacuums the carpets and mows the lawn on Saturday. Mark’s sisters water the flowers and mop the floor on Sunday. In the evening they set the table and have dinner.

II. Answer the questions

1.What does mum do every morning?

2.What does Mark do in the morning?

3.What does dad do on Saturday?

4.What do mark’s sisters do on Sunday?

5.What do they do in the evening?

III. Make word combinations

make, watch, dust, go, cook, vacuum, lay, throw out, tidy, feed, fill, iron

a dishwasher, the rubbish, the clothes, the bed, the bedroom, a pet, a little sister, the furniture, shopping, dinner, the table, a carpet

IV. Present Simple or Present Progressive

1.We always (go) to the cinema.

2.Nick (read) books every evening.

3.I (watch) cartoons now.

4.Nina and Lena (play) tennis now.

5.The cat (sleep) on the sofa at present moment.

6.Mum often (make) cakes.

V. Complete the sentences

1. I am responsible for S-ing the floor.

2. When I was a kid I have to S- the table.

3. My brother has to T- out the rubbish.

4. My sister has to W- the flowers.

5.I have to T- my room.

6.My dad has to F- and U- the dishwasher and a W-ing machine.

7. My mum has to W- and F- our dog.