Тема «Technologies»

Класс: 9

Учебник “Spotlight”

Цель : формирование навыков говорения во всех видах речевой деятельности по теме «Технологии».



умение воспринимать английскую речь

умение высказывать свое мнение о жизни в будущем


оценивать правильность выполнения учебной задачи, собственные возможности её решения;

владеть основами самоконтроля, самооценки, принятия решений и осуществления осознанного выбора в учебной и - познавательной деятельности;

организовывать учебное сотрудничество; работать индивидуально, в группе и в парах.

выделять общие и существенные признаки, делать обобщающие выводы;


Способствовать развитию навыков устной речи по теме «Использование технологии», используя новую лексику по теме урока;

Отработать грамматический материал First Conditional”.

Способствовать развитию навыков чтения текста с пропущенными словами.

Оборудование: мультимедийное оборудование, карточки с текстами и заданиями листы по количеству групп учащихся.

Ход урока.




Введение в тему. (Вопросы по иллюстрации на слайде)


Teacher: What do you see in the picture? What is this person going to do?

Student: I see a MP3 player, earphones, a Smartphone, a fitness bracelet, a smart watch.

Teacher: Have you got such devices? Why do people use these devices in sport?

Ответы учеников.

Teacher. Well done! Let’s see what our today’s lesson is about. Guess the topic of today’s lesson.

Ответы учеников.

Teacher. Well done! Today we will talk about technologies and how to use different devices. We will also learn the new grammar structure The first type of conditional sentences.


Введение новой лексики.

Teacher. Let’s learn some new words that we use to talk about different devices. Look at the words! Do you know any of them?

A tablet, a keyboard, earphones, a screen, an ebook reader, a mouse, a USB cable.

Teacher. Let’s drill the pronunciation of these words. So, repeat these words after me.

Teacher. Let’s match these words with the pictures. (Слайды)

Отработка лексики.

Задание 1. Отгадай слово.

Teacher. Let’s play a game. I give a definition and you guess the word.

1.A tablet is like a large phone and small laptop built into one. – a tablet

2.You use this device to store thousands of books. – an ebook reader

3.You use it to type a message to your friend.- a keyboard

4.It is something you look at while watching a film.- a screen

5.You use it to connect your mobile phone to your laptop. – a USB cable

6.You use it to click on some thing on your computer. – a mouse

7.You use them to listen to music and not disturb other people. – earphones

Задание 2. Глаголы , связанные с технологиями .

Teacher. Let’s practice some verbs connected with technologies. You already know a lot of devices. But we need to know how to use them. Let’s recollect the words that we use for technology operations. Look at the words. Do you know any of them?

Switch on, switch of, delete, save, download, print, send an email, store

Teacher. Let’s drill their pronunciation. So, repeat them after me.

Teacher. What words are new for you? Lets create the situations where we can use them and explain the words. (слайды)

1.What can we switch on/off? - We can switch on/off a TV, a computer.

2.If you do not need this word, info, a folder , what do you do? – delete

3.If you want to keep a photo, a file , you …(save) it.

4.If you want to watch a film or play a game and have it on your PC, you …(download) it.

5.If you need to have information on paper, you ….(print) it.

6.If you do not print photos, where do you store them? – I store them …

7.If you need to keep in touch with somebody, you ….(send an email).

Задание 3. Составьте предложения.

Teacher. Order the words to make sentences.

1.If not watch this film, switch off you do TV.

2.photos I do them print, I store in not a folder.

3.film Let’s a and download watch it.

Развитие навыков чтения

Teacher. Do you remember your first mobile phone? What brand was it? Let’s read the text about what a boy tells about his first mobile phone. But you have to put the words in the right form. (слайды)

By today’s standards, my mobile phone is pretty basic. It’s a Nokia. It’s a small device that receives telephone calls and sends text messages. Other than that, my phone __________________ much.


Most of my friends wish they __________________ smartphones because they are cool and trendy.


They say the __________________ thing about a smartphone is that you ‘can do everything with it!’


That’s right, smartphones have many more functions than a simple phone, however, not all of them are needed. In everyday life, smartphones __________________ mainly for checking social networking sites, replying to emails, and playing games.

4. USE

Grown-ups as well as __________________ like playing games.


Anyway, I prefer my good old Nokia. It’s my __________________ mobile phone.

6. ONE

When I bought it, it didn’t cost __________________ very much. And I am not afraid anyone will ever steal it.


It’s also very reliable. Yesterday I dropped it. It __________________ down the staircase and hit the wall.


I thought that __________________ the end of it. But nothing of the kind –– it still works properly!


Teacher. Let’s read the text filling the gaps with the right form of the given words.

Does not do 2. Had 3. Best 4. Are used 5. Children 6. First 7. Me 8. Flew 9. Was

Teacher. Answer the questions. Work in groups.

What brand is the boy’s mobile phone?

What functions does his mobile phone have?

What are smart phones used for in everyday life?



First Conditional

Teacher. Look at the sentences. What tenses are used in them?

What part do we use Present Simple in? (if-part)

What part do we use Future Simple in? (main part)

Positive. If you study hard, you will have good marks.

Negative. If you don’t do your homework, you will not get a good mark.

Questions. If you do not use the computer, will you switch it off?


First Conditional

Задание 1. Выберите правильный вариант.

Teacher. Choose the correct option in each sentence.

If you

do not use

/will not

use the

laptop, you will switch it off.

If you will print/


photos, you will have a photo album.

What will happen, if you

do not save

/will not save this link?



Teacher. Are we talking about past, present or future? (future) Is the situation real? (real)

Задание 2. Соотнесите части предложения.

Teacher. Match the parts of the sentences. (слайды)

1.If you want to download a new game, you will print a document.

2.If you switch off your laptop, you will use an application.

3.If you click on this icon, you will not work.

4. If you want to listen to music, you will download them.

5.If you want to have a lot of books in your gadget, you will use your headphones.

Итоги урока.

What devices do you use?

What will happen if you can’t use your mobile phone?

What will happen if you can’t use the Internet?

What will happen if you can’t search information?

What will happen if you can’t save the information?


Домашнее задание.