Разработка урока по английскому языку на тему ?Средства массовой информации? - ?Газеты?
                                                                 Абрамян Сусанна Суриковна
                                                                  учитель английского языка 
                                                         МОУ Дубровская ОШ Николаевского      
                                         района Ульяновской области

Класс: 8
Предмет: английский язык
Программа: УМК ?Enjoy English 5? под редакцией М.З. Биболетовой
Тема: ? Newspapers?
Тип урока: Урок обобщения и систематизации знаний
Цели: 1. Обучающие и интеллектуально- развивающие.
            Обеспечить усвоение знаний по теме на уровне:
Знания: ученик должен знать:
- лексический материал по теме СМИ
- определение терминов ” quality paper”, “ tabloid” , их отличия
понимания: ученик должен понимать:
- иноязычную речь на слух в нормальном темпе
- термины, касающиеся темы  и ведения урока
применения: ученик должен уметь:
- выражать свое мнение по обсуждаемому вопросу
- использовать изучаемую лексику и грамматические конструкции в речи
- назвать примеры англоязычных газет
- Отличать “quality paper”  и “tabloid”
- отвечать на вопросы
- логически связывать и сопоставлять изученный материал с реальной жизнью
- организовывать свою работу в соответствии с целью урока и заданием учителя
- импровизировать
- творчески подходить к выполнению заданий

2.Воспитательные. Ученик
- социально адаптируется
- участвует в обсуждении вопросов по теме
- учится общаться, соотносить свои действия с действиями других, взаимодействовать с товарищами для достижения общей цели
- осознает необходимость самостоятельности при выполнении заданий
- оценивает свои возможности
- организует свою деятельность
- правильно распределяет внимание, совершенствует культуру труда
Методы обучения: словесный, наглядный. практический, метод самостоятельной работы, проблемно- поисковый.
Методы контроля: устный, спонтанная  ситуативная речь по теме и учебному материалу, взаимоконтроль, самоконтроль.
Формы обучения: фронтальная, парная, групповая, индивидуальная.

Оборудование: Газеты ( русские и англоязычные), вырезки, статьи, мультимедийное оборудование( ноутбук, проектор, экран).

                               Ход урока:

Организация начала урока.( сообщение темы, целеполагание, мотивация деятельности учащихся).
Эвристическая беседа по теме ( обсуждение эпиграфа)
3 Brainstorming ( мозговой штурм)
                 - для чего люди читают газеты?
                 - классификация газет
    4.Обсуждение домашнего задания
                - определение понятий “ quality paper”, “tabloid”
                - примеры газет, основные отличия
     5. Проверка домашнего задание
             - мини – сообщения по теме: ? Любимая газета в моей семье?
    6. Работа в парах ( выполнение дифференцированных заданий)
                   - подготовка
                   - опрос, обсуждение
   8. Просмотр презентации: “ Famous newspapers”
   9. Обсуждение
   10.Выполнение творческих заданий в группах
         - создание “ quality paper” ( 1 группа)
           - создание  “ tabloid” ( 2 группа)
    11. Представление работ и обсуждение
   12. Подведение итогов урока, рефлексия
   13. Сообщение   домашнего задания ( разъяснение методики его выполнения) 


   - Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you again.                                                                   - How are you? Fine .Glad to hear it.                                                                                              -Are you ready for work? OK. Let?s begin than.
- First of all show me your mood. 
--Do you feel bad today? I hope our lesson will rise your mood soon.                                  - By the way, who is on duty today?
- What date is it today?
- Who is absent today?
- Thank you, take your sit.
Children, pay attention, you see the cards on your desks. If you have some problems with the task at the lesson stick violet card on your special table, if everything is all right stick red card.
Before our work let?s prepare our tongue and do some phonetical.
Repeat after me and pay attention to the correct pronunciation of the sound   - t   - f  - ou
Now let?s read a short poem on your desk
Repeat after me   - fellow
                                         - smart
                                         - felt
- Now read this poem in pairs , correct and control each other.
- Let?s listen pair 1,4,2
Please stick card 1 in your table.
- Now you are ready to work.
   Our topic today is newspapers. 
  Today we will speak about the role of newspapers in our everyday life, we will try to classify them, name Russian and famous newspapers of English-speaking countries, try to find the answer on the question
- What do people  read newspapers for?
We will watch the presentation and you will do  a very interesting task in the end of our lesson. It will be our small secret.  
   Let?s begin our lesson, first of all read this phrase. Do you agree ? What does it mean? It means that people have learnt about bad news very quickly. There is a special English  proverb ? bad news has wings.
  You know that many people like to learn bad and good news from newspapers. By the way, where can people read newspapers? 

in the street
in a bus, taxi, tram, car
in the park
at home before the tv
in the office

Right you are. Very well. And what do people read newspapers for?
 ( brainstorming)

Now, please, help me to classify newspapers.
How can we call all newspapers which are published only in our Ulyanovsk region?
Of course, local newspapers.( It?s our first group)
Can you name them (Ulyanovskaya Pravda,Narodnaya gazeta simbirskiy kuryer, dihanie zemli, mosaica)
Our second group newspaper which are published in our country. National newspapers.
Can we buy and read national newspapers in our region?
Of course, we do. Name the most popular national newspapers( Komsomolskaya pravda, argumenti i fakti, Moskovskiy Komsomolec).  If you are in Moscow can you buy and read Ulyanovskaya pravda? No, because it?s our local newspaper.
The last group , newspapers which are published in foreign countries, and well known in all the world. International newspapers.( New York Time, The times, Daily Telegraph and many other newspapers)
Look at the blackboard, this is our classification of the newspapers.
Please, stick card 2
Well done. As far as I know at home you have read the text and now are ready to give me your classification of the newspapers. According to the information from Ex 34 p 70 all newspapers are divided into 2 groups. What are they, please give the definition and examples.

                 Quality or serious paper is   ?..
                 Tabloid is ?..( Yellow pages)

OK, you are absolutely right. I see that you are well prepared for the lesson today. I also asked you to be ready to tell us about your favorite family newspaper. Are you ready? Who will be the first? Ildar, begin ,please.
And all the rest listen to each other very attentively.
     So, I am pleased with your answers. 
Please, stick card 3

  Now. Let?s work in pairs.  have prepared a special tasks for you. They are different for each pair.  Don?t be afraid, they are not difficult.
Please, first of all read the task very carefully? You have only 2 minutes for preparing.
                So, I hope you are ready. Please let?s begin with pair 2..
                               Please, stick card 4
- I see you are tired a little. Let?s make a short pause. As you know if you want to be strong you must care about your health. Ildar is on duty today and helps us to do  some physical exercises.

Well done, good answers. Now let?s have a rest and enjoy watching the presentation  by Ildar. I ask you to be attentive because after watching it I want you to numerate all foreign newspapers from the presentation and be ready to name  the nickname of New York Times.
We will compare your answers with my.

Nickname- Gray Lady
1. The New York times
2 .International Herald Tribune
3.The Boston Globe
4.USA today
5. Wall street journal
6. The New York Times
7. The Washington Post
8.The Times

Thank you Ildar for your presentation, it was very interesting for us to know much new information. Now let?s compare our answers.
what is the nickname of New York Times?
Name all the newspapers
                               Please, stick card 5
Well done. Now look at this newspaper, tell me what is it?
Of course, you know it?s our school newspaper ? School ship?
Have you ever helped to publish it?
Do you want to try to work as an editor, journalists, photographers?
I?ve prepared unusual and creative work.

Now you will work in groups and do rather unusual  and creative work. I will give you all necessary things papers, Articles ,Pencils for making your special newspaper. 
Our boys are serious, that?s why your group will create quality or serious paper. You may begin.
And our girls who like fashion, Glamour, Advertisement  and hot news from private life of stars will publish a tabloid, yellow pages. Be ready to tell some words about your newspaper. Don?t forget to give a name for your newspaper, sections and stick articles. You have 3 minute for it.  Editor be ready to prepare a short presentation of your newspaper.

   So, I see the results of your work, it?s wonderful. Tell some words. Let?s show our newspaper to our guests. Do you agree that this one is quality paper and this one is a tabloid? 
Of course? Here we can see many photos and not so much information, bright colours. Here we can see much information, and everything is very serious.
    And summing up everything tell me please what kind of newspapers you advise us to read and why?
   I am absolutely agree with you. Tabloid is reading for the rest and entertainment? But if you want to know news in the politics, Business, Culture and sport you should read quality papers.
- Do you like to publish your own newspaper?
                               Please, stick card 6

I suppose it?s time for making conclusions. In the end of our lesson I want to ask                        -  Do you like our lesson?
                              - Are you pleased with your work?
                                Are you pleased with my work?
                              - What was interesting for you at the lesson?
                              - What have you learnt?
                              - What was difficult for you?

-Now count your  red and violet cards and show me your tables. I see, tank you.
Pupils who has some problems your home task is on blue sheet of paper, all the rest your home task is on pink sheet of paper.
Please, read your home task.
Do you have any questions?
Is everything clear? OK.

  Please, show me you mood in the end of our lesson. I see that you are OK now.

Sorry, but our lesson is coming to the end. Are you tired? Thank you for your active work today. You will get excellent marks. I am pleased with your work too.
      Your hometask for the next lesson will be with the help of the internet to find short articles from international newspapers from presentation and make a short report about them.

                   See you next lesson, bye.