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Конспект урока по английскому языку в 10м классе




Good morning! Sit down, please! Welcome to our English lesson. We have some guests today and we`ll try to work hard. And now answer some my questions.

What day of the week is it today?





What did you do

at the weekends



o you like weekends or holidays? and why

Определение темы урока и задач

Now let`s read some quotes from this slide.

Pupil 1: «No man needs a vаcation so much as the man who has just had one». Elbert Hubbard an American writer and a philosopher

"Ни один человек не нуждается в отдыхе так сильно, как тот, кто только что его получил».

Pupil 2: «If some people didn’t tell you, you’d never know they’d been away on a holiday». Kin Hubbard an American humorist and jornalist

«Если бы некоторые люди не сказали тебе, ты бы никогда не узнал, что они уехали на отдых».

Pupil 3: «A holiday is a period of travelling and relaxation when you take twice clothes and half the money you need». An unknown author

"Отдых (отпуск)- это период путешествий и отдыха, когда вы берете вдвое больше одежды и вдвое меньше денег, чем вам нужно».

What words are associated with the word Holidays TRAVELLING

What is the topic of our lesson? HOLIDAYS and TRAVELLING

What are we going to do? – to improve vocabulary and grammar skills

Speak about holidays and activities

So. The topic of our lesson is…… / Would you like to know what travelling is for me. Стих

3. And what can you say about these two pictures?

In photo 1 we can see a good travel experience, and in photo 2 – a bad travel experience.

What spoilt travelling in photo 2? WEATHER

What else can spoil a holiday? Work in groups of 4. I`ll give you 2 minutes.

Let`s check. Will you read?




Now, we`ll listen to the dialogue. Do you expect to hear a good or a bad experience?

So, let`s listen and follow ex/ 3a p 84

What roles do Andy and John have?

What are they talking about?

Where was John? In the Caribbean. There are 4 biggest islands Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica and Puerto Rico.

4.РАБОТА С ПЛАНОМ Let`s work with the plan of this dialogue.

5. Составление своего диалога. Make up your own dialogue, using ex 2b, ex 4 and 5. Work in pairs, please. 2 min.

6. Of course, during the travelling we can face to some problems and I`d like you to find an advice in the dialogue if smth went wrong.

7. What can we say about this boy? HE is looking on the bright side. I wish you always look on the bright side.

8. РЕФлексия. Our lesson is coming to the end. I` d like to thank for your working today. Will you thank anybody in the class?

9. ДЗ You may choose 1 ex. Of 2.

The lesson is over. Good bye.

It rained every single day.

Our flight was delayed by six hours.

The meals in the hotel were appalling.

My luggage got lost.

The beach was dirty and crowded.

I left my passport at home.

There was

no air conditioning in our room.

I got bitten by mosquitoes.

Some money was stolen from my backpack.

There was absolutely no nightlife.

I got mugged on a sightseeing tour.

The stuff


unfriendly and rude.

I got ill.

There was a hurricane while we were there.









The town/resort

1.It rained every single day.

2.Our flight was delayed by six hours.

3.The meals in the hotel were appalling.

My luggage got lost.

The beach was dirty and crowded.

I left my passport at home.

There was no air conditioning in our room.

I got bitten by mosquitoes.

Some money was stolen from my backpack.

There was absolutely no nightlife.

I got mugged on a sightseeing tour.

The stuff


unfriendly and rude.

I got ill.

There was a hurricane while we were there.









The town/resort

d ex. 2b p.84ent on holiday but things didn’t go well. Use the plan below to discuss. Ex. 4 p.85 and ex. 2b p.84