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Фрагмент урока по английскому языку с использованием видеоматериала.

учитель английского языка: Казмина Алина Владиславовна

МБОУ СШ №41 им.М.Ю.Лермонтова города Липецка


Аудитория –9 класс

УМК- Биболетова Enjoy English

Время – 45 минут

Тема – Ancient Greece


1)Воспитательные: повышение мотивации и эффективности изучении иностранного языка, воспитание уважительного отношения к древней культуре.

2)Развивающие: развитие навыков устной и письменной речи, памяти, догадки.

3)Образовательные: систематизация, обобщение и закрепление пройденного материала, тренировка аудирования, грамматических навыков, навыков монологической речи, расширение словарного запаса, творческих навыков.

Оборудование - видео "Древняя Греция".


Ход урока:

Организационный момент - 5 мин

Учитель приветствует учеников, обсуждает план урока на сегодняшний день.

Good morning, everybody. Glad to see you again. How are you doing today? Today we will talk about Ancient Greece, and also we will watch a video.

What ancient countries do you know?

What is your favorite ancient civilization? Why?

What do you know about Ancient Greece?

I'm going to give you a vocabulary to help you understand the video. Please look at the vocabulary first. Dasha read it please. Let's look at this tasks. Great, let's watch a video about Ancient Greece, and then do the tasks.

Снятие лексических трудностей

 Shore – берег моря

Expanded – распространиться

Legacy – наследие

Resonate – найти отклик

Sovereign nations [ˈsɒvrɪn] – независимое государство

City-states – город-государство

Persian Empire [ˈpɜːʒən] – Персидская империя

Homeland – родина, родной край


Considerable mark – значительный след

Spiritual beliefs – духовное верование

Anthropomorphic deities – антропоморфные божества

Reasons – разум

Ethics – этика

Roots – корни

Работа с видео

Учащие смотрят видео урок и выполняют первое задание.

Let's get to the tasks. First, pay attention to some of the achievements of Ancient Greece.

Ex. 1 What were the achievements of the legendary Ancient Greece?





In the second task, you should mark the sentences true or false. Marina please read the task.

Ex. 2 Mark the sentences TRUE or FALSE.

Ancient Greece was born on the shores of the Aegean Sea about 4,000 years ago.


Part of the ancient Greeks’ legacy involved music.

(FALSE; political)

The military helped expand Greek Empire by establishing colonies overseas, and it protected Greece itself from foreign invaders.


War heroes also inspired the creation of the Olympics, which celebrated physical competition.


Of all aspects of ancient Greek civilization, their cultural contributions left a considerable mark on the western world.


Ancient Greek developed five types of figures and incorporated them to structures like the Parthenon.

(FALSE; three … of columns)

Ancient Greek, at about 2000 years old and has not had much influence on modern languages.

(FALSE; at about 3,400 years old, provided the basis of many modern languages)

The English language alone has thousands of words with Greek roots.


Detailed comprehension

Ex. 3 Fill in the suitable word. You have 8 minutes.

Expanded; city-state; political power; homeland; Greek roots;

sovereign nations; anthropomorphic deitie; spiritual beliefs.

In over a millennium, it


to lands as far west as Spain and as far east as India.

Unlike many nations that were under unified rule, Greece was a collection of over 1,500 territories that acted as

sovereign nations


Developed in the


of Athens, democratic rule was a way to give the Greek people representation and

political power


When such a threat occurred, city-states united to defend their


Greek religion, which was comprised of many

anthropomorphic deities

, helped shape the

spiritual beliefs

of the Etruscans and, later, the ancient Romans.

The English language alone has thousands of words with

Greek roots


You need to choose the correct answer to the question.

Ex.4 Watch the video again (if it is necessary) and choose the correct answer to the question. You have 6 minutes.

Where was Ancient Greece born 4,000 years ago?

a) on the shores of the Aegean Sea;

b) on the shores of the Ionian Sea;

c) on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.

What was the first large-scale political event in Greece?

a) the first unified management board;

b) the institution of the first democracy;

c) the first own rules.

What did the Greeks think of their soldiers?

a) hopeless;

b) powerful;


) heroes.

What did leave considerable mark of ancient Greek civilization in the Western world?

a) cultural contributions;

b) political contributions;

c) philosophical contributions.

What influence did Greek philosophy have on the achievements?

a) political and science;

b) political and art;

c) science.

What language has a thousand words with Greek roots?

a) English;

b) German;

c) Latin

Закрепление пройденного материала.

What have you learned about Ancient Greece?

Do you want to visit Greece in our time?

Подведение итогов.

Домашнее задание

You will need to compare modern and ancient Greece. Write down what has been preserved and what has changed in Greece. 10-12 sentences will be enough.